Teach your children well...

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Teach your children well...

Post by Belle » Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:02 pm

And most of them will be 'good little germans', eat their 'greens' and chant their ideological slogans. Cradle to grave? You thought that was only McDonalds!!

We need more children running things; the children we have now have grown old and fall asleep at the drop of a hat!!

https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/11/2 ... ng-people/

It seems an editor from "Quillette", Jonathon Kay, agrees with me about the modern Left (along with many others, of course). The extract doesn't cover the similarities with authoritarian which includes, but is not limited to, enforced group-think, conformity or ostracism, reputational destruction and public kangaroo courts.

"In an appendix to Nineteen Eighty-Four, detailing the Principles of Newspeak, George Orwell wrote that Newspeak’s purpose was “not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of [English Socialism],” but also “to make all other modes of thought impossible.” The social-justice movement has accomplished something similar in recent years, by recasting disagreement and critique as forbidden forms of personal violence or emotional abuse. (In recent days, for instance, an Ontario teacher’s union denounced its own members for using the term “reverse racism” at a meeting, a phrase that the union president suggests to be an inherently “harmful” form of “harassment.”) Having thereby insulated themselves from internal critique, absolutists within the social-justice movement have had free rein to promote new dogmas that even most fellow progressives don’t actually believe: Indigenous people are Yoda; biological sex is a colonialist myth; society will be safer without police, and richer without capitalism. It was inevitable that these precepts would eventually take on a religious character because, being too far-fetched to withstand intellectual scrutiny, they are sustainable only as unfalsifiable mantras to be piously endorsed in public, even as they are mocked in private (a form of intellectual double life that will be familiar to anyone who has lived under theocracy, fascism, or communism)."

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